Emerging Trends: Why a Floor Bed?

Emerging Trends: Why a Floor Bed?


We receive a lot of valuable tidbits of feedback from our guests about why they chose for or against a floor bed and how it benefits their household.

We have compiled a brief outline for questions such as why a floor bed, why low set furniture and why a gated bed?

A quick summary of the reasoning before we delve into details:

Little ones love and cherish some independence

Little ones love grown-up activities & crave the need to be engaged in tasks

Need for an optimum environment for fostering this

Little ones are capable of far more than we realize 

Fulfills potential and innate sense of self-confidence & enthusiasm for life

Various styles to suit different needs (floor beds, low beds, gated beds)

Methodology works to make our lifestyles smoother 

Nurturing this instinct

Little ones love a bit of independence from a young age. During early years, tots are naturally brimming with self-confidence and raring to go. 

Many of us are keen to nurture that precious instinct in the optimum conditions. Channeling this in the best possible way is a trend that has emerged in recent years. 

Having a floor bed or a low bed helps immensely with independence. Many little ones enjoy getting into bed on their own, self-soothing and having some alone time in a safe, nurturing environment. Hence, this is why montessori style nurseries, bedrooms and playrooms have taken off. 

Littles ones love playing “grown up” activities such as playing with real pots and pans or pretending to read, baking or even cleaning. Studies have shown that kids prefer to take part in these actual activities over replica toys.  

Personal Preference 

We have seen an array of personal preferences from our guests’ experiences. 

Some guests say, why not just have a mattress on the floor to begin with to test the waters. Adorning the mattress with an aesthetic fitted sheet, and surrounded by landing pads many guests have said it is a good way to see whether the investment towards a floor or low bed is worth it.

Some families find that a mattress placed on the floor in a baby-proofed setting to be fully functional for their needs and are perfectly content with this arrangement. To ensure air flow and  avoid mold, the mattress leans up when not in use. 

Other families transition to a bed later on after the initial trial and write blurbs or send photos of before and after. They say, although the mattress was good short-term as a trial, a bed frame with slats ensured that their little one is contained and can slumber peacefully even if actively moving while asleep. 

Bedding and a mattress within a frame and on slats helps deter dust and adverse effects from climatic conditions such as humidity. This helps minimize dust and debris in our sleeping spaces and also ensures the longevity of the mattress. It also involves less housework than leaning a mattress up when not in use or maneuvering a mattress to clean underneath.

On some occasions, families do a bit of both. Mixing and matching various pieces, they may keep a roll-up mattress and may invest in other pieces such as a low set of shelves or a low open closet and work to enclose their nursery into a safe zone. 

Limited Independence: Gated Playpen Beds 

Other families prefer for their little ones to be completely tucked away in a sanctuary. We have many guests writing to us about how this bed keeps their little ones safe and provides some much needed peace of mind. 

This is very often the case for little ones who love to climb or escape, have special needs and are particularly active. These multifunctional beds are worth their weight in gold as they cater for playtime, nap time as well as sleep-time. 


Whether you enjoy the simplicity of a mattress or prefer a floor bed, or gated bed, there is an option to suit most families and little ones very much embrace the tranquility that each type of setting brings. 



